If you’ve used anodized aluminum for the transportation industry, chances are you’ve come across Lorin’s AnoGrip® and Adhere® products.
A special anodized process, AnoGrip® creates an adhesion-promoting surface on both sides of the aluminum. Companies that manufacture interior walls, floors and dashboards for rail cars and airplanes, as well as dashboards for automobiles, value AnoGrip® for its greater ability to help bond or laminate other materials onto the aluminum surface.
Adhere® is a patented process by Lorin that has an adhesion-promoting surface on one side, but a beautiful anodized aluminum finish on the other. This allows the aluminum to be bonded to another material while still featuring the anodized finish on the top side.
These two processes increase the surface area of the aluminum providing more area to which the adhesive can bond. This allows stronger bonds to be created between the aluminum and other materials to help prevent de-lamination. T-Peel test results for AnoGrip® and Adhere® far exceed other priming methods such as scuffing the aluminum, grit blast or chromate conversion coating.
The superior adhesion means that manufacturers can potentially use less of their costly adhesives, with better results in terms of preventing de-lamination. This saves manufacturers on warranty claims and saves their customers on down time for repairs. The anodizing process is also very environmentally responsible – unlike chromate conversion, which uses known carcinogens.
To learn more about these cutting-edge patented aluminum processes for transportation applications, watch our vodcast: